• connect@adenagribusiness.org
  • +254720108678 / +254 722571911
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Our Mission

Mitigate climate change impacts:

addressing food insecurity, unemployment, health issues, and urban waste accumulation for improved livelihoods and reduced global warming.

Our Vision

To be a premier agribusiness

showcasing and equipping the youth, women, and communities with climate-smart agricultural solutions.

Our Objectives

What we are aiming at:

Green Tomorrow: Sustainable Practices

Prioritizing greening: innovative waste practices, vertical farming, cutting greenhouse gases, ensuring organic food access.

Sustainable Feed Production

Cutting white meat costs, we craft feed formulations from Black Soldier Fly (BSF), ensuring a sustainable source of organic protein.

Empowerment Through Guidance

Guidance and revolving funds empower business models for youth, women, and communities. Coaching on dynamics and business planning fosters a robust foundation for growth.

Community Engagement: Impactful Support

Our commitment extends to hands-on coaching, training on crops, nursery establishment, and field management. We actively reach out, providing training, consolidating resources, and supporting value addition.

Driving Growth: Certified Impact

Engage in projects driving economic growth. We offer tools, training, and support for certifications like Globalgap, GRASP, Rainforest Alliance, and Social Standards.

See Us in Action

Transforming Communities

Take a Closer Look

Experience and Key Results

Fish Farming

Fish Farming

Fish pod creation, fingerling management, feed formulation, breeding, and water filtration/recycling for sustainable crop growth.
Briquettes Business

Briquettes Business

Carbonizing kitchen and farm waste, blending with binding materials, and using a local machine to produce briquettes. Our group has a significant market for supplying these eco-friendly briquettes.
Vertical Farming/Potted Farming

Vertical Farming/Potted Farming

Growing crops in vertically stacked layers, including spinach, kales, managu, terere, dania, and onions. Each stacked farm supports 80-120 plants, varying with crop spacing.
Sugarcane Juice Making

Sugarcane Juice Making

Utilizing sugarcakes grown in the demonstration block, mixed with fruits, herbs, and vegetables for nutritious sugarcane juice, promoting health and well-being.

Empowering Communities Through Support

Over 10+ Years Of Experience in Agriculture
A Bit of History

Our Story

With a rich professional journey starting in 1999, our expertise spans export farm management, overseeing contracted farmer groups, and a decade of hands-on leadership in a youth training institute focused on practical farming skills. From 2015-2017, we ensured food on the table and money in pockets by guiding youth through the entire farming process, from land acquisition to value addition.
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    Ruai, Eastern By Pass